

Guangzhou Dongao electrical Co., Ltd. was founded in 2006, the registered trademark "PARKOO 百奥", is a professional manufacturer of environmental electrical appliances and industrial air conditioning.The main products are: portable air conditioner, fresh air purification dehumidifier system, household dehumidifier, industrial dehumidifier, precision air-conditioning, energy-saving drying equipment and other products,suitable for all areas of home...


  • 1千万元年研发投入
  • 40位研发人才
  • 120多项外观设计与实用新型专利
  • 2个国家标准实验室
  • 1个市级研究开发机构
  • 2个区工程研究开发中心

企业精神:诚信 责任 团结 进取



管理理念:人尽其才 物尽其用 事无巨细 倾心为之

用人理念:德才兼备 品德优先

竞争理念:自主研发 掌握核心 以质取胜

品质理念:精准求精 追求卓越

      PARKOO百奥秉承以“让顾客使用时比购买时更加满意”为宗旨,每一位顾客对百奥产品的使用满意都会为我们带来非常大的成就感, 我们的目标是用具有竞争力的价格向顾客提供高品质的产品。 展望未来,公司将持续稳定发展,形成发展规模化、经营专业化、业务区域化、管理差异化的产业格局,坚持湿度控制专业化路线,致力于成为中国领先的环境湿度解决方案供应商。
      PARKOO always insists the purpose of letting customers more satisfied when using PARKOO dehumidifier.Every customer who is satisfied with PARKOO products will bring us the sense of achievement.Supply customers the products which have top quality with the competitive prices is our target. Look ahead,PARKOO will keep steadily develop,and form the industrial pattern of scale development,professional operation,business regionalization,differentiated management.We will insist professional humidity control and try our best to become the leader of environment humidity solutions supplier in China.

